Egg Donor Story

Books Explaining Egg Donation to Children

If you are looking for an egg donor story, below you will find some of the best selections on today's market. In today's world there are more and more situations that arise where an egg donor becomes involved in assisting in beginning a child's life. There are parents who use an egg donor because of infertility issues. There are also single moms or dads who use egg donation to create a child. Same sex couples are also using egg donation to create families. In all these cases, parents may want to explain to their child through an egg donor story, how their family began.

A Tiny Itsy Bitsy Gift of Life

Egg Donor Story
Paperback: 32 pages
Edition: 2nd edition (November 27, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9709410326
ISBN-13: 978-9709410327
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 6 inches
For Girls: A Tiny Itsy Bitsy Gift of Life an egg donation story
by Carmen Martinez Jover, Illustrated by Rosemary Martinez

Egg Donor Story
Paperback: 32 pages
Edition: 2nd edition (November 27, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 6070050622
ISBN-13: 978-607-00-5062-6
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 6 inches
For Boys: A Tiny Itsy Bitsy Gift of Life an egg donation story
by Carmen Martinez Jover, Illustrated by Rosemary Martinez

A Tiny Itsy Bitsy Gift of Life by Carmen Martinez Jover
Product Description
A touching egg donor story to begin explain infertility issues to children. A happy couple of rabbits, Pally and Comet have everything in life except a baby rabbit. The reader accompanies the rabbits in their longing for a child. The mother rabbit is informed she has no eggs to conceive thus beginning the idea of egg donation. One day a good lady rabbit brings the "mommy to be" rabbit a tiny itsy bitsy gift of life, which is the egg, the half, she needs to conceive. The rabbit's tummy then begins to grow and finally her baby bunny is born. The colorful egg donor story is ideal for children even before they can read. Adorable pictures easily capture a child's attention. The book is easy for parents to read to their child at a very young age so that gradually, as the child grows they will begin to understand their origins.

Reader reviews

So much easier...
(This egg donor story)... will make it so much easier for me to share my sons story with him if I start the process now and he is never surprised about how he came into this world. --Traci

I feel this is the BEST book for...
telling "my 3 sons" the wonderful story of how much they are loved. Our sons(4 years, 2 years and 4 months) just love for us to read to them. --Lisa

Simple explanation of a complex issue...
As a surrogate mom, I am always intrigued with the creative ideas authors have come up with to explain infertility to children at a young age. This book explains in simple terms, the concept of egg donation.

It begins simple enough with the desire to have a child and that two parts are needed, one from a male and one from a female. (You will not find graphic sperms and eggs here. This is an introduction book.) The idea is illustrated through comparison to a cookie, in the sense that one needs two cookie halves to make a whole. Later in the story two seeds connect together much like puzzle pieces making it very simple for children to understand.

We learn one has to wait to see if a baby will grow and of the sadness when the attempt fails. It is appropriate the lady rabbit knocking on the door with the "gift of life" is one they have never seen before. Often in egg donation or surrogacy, the helping female is a stranger. Nicely done!

There is no mention of the doctor. We move quickly to how the "gift of life" is connected with "the other tiny itsy bitsy half we need" from Comet (Daddy rabbit) and children are reminded of the two cookie halves again, nicely tying the story together.

After some time, the rabbits have a new baby, thus creating a family. The illustrations are fantastically bright through out which children will thoroughly enjoy. I see both parents and single moms and dads using this book to explain egg donation to their child at a young age. -- Tracy

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Mommy Was Your Tummy Big?
By Carolina Nadel

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Product Description
A mother elephant explains her use of donor eggs to her child. With charming illustrations and simple words, "Mommy, was your tummy big?"can is an egg donor story to help parents who used in vitro fertilization and donor eggs begin to explain the process to their small children.


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A Part Was Given, An Angel Was Born
By Carolina Nadel

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Product Description
A Part Was Given and an Angel was Born is an egg donor story that creates a means by which communication can begin. In a simplistic innocent manner, this egg donor story provides a vehicle for introducing this sensitive form of third party parenting (also known as ovum donation) to their child. By using phrases such as "a part in mommy just didn't work as it should," this book removes the "heaviness" from the topic of egg donation and emphasizes the love that surrounds it


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