While there are many good books about adoption and adoption is
widely accepted in today's society, there are only a select few good books on reproductive assistance. We hope through an
In Vitro Fertilization story,
IVF will someday be as accepted as widely as adoption. Hopefully children will feel they belong and are not the "different" child at school or in other
environments. We hope these books will be read by children in all types of families to show that everyone belongs in their family.
Telling children about IVF:
Telling children about IVF Making Miracles by Mal Leicester & IVF Telling a Child
24 pages & 18 pages; about 5x7 inches (both booklets)
Making Miracles helps when telling children of IVF. The IVF story, Making Miracles is a short story about a boy who becomes the "helper"
for a frog so the frog can have babies. Shorttly aftewards, the boy's parents have twins and his parents tell the IVF story explaining how the doctor
was their "helper" in conceiving the twins. Text is simple enough in Making Miracles to be read to a very young child but complex enough so an older
child (age 8 - 11) would not feel like they were reading a baby book. The picures in Making Miracles are very enticing for children who gravitate toward
stories with animals.
Making Miracles also comes with "IVF Telling a Child" which is a small booklet (18 pages) describing a case study, pro's and cons of telling a child about IVF, how to tell your child about conceiving through
IVF (in virto fertilization), what you might think about when considering their age, etc. Use this book to see what other parents thought about telling
children about IVF and why. You can compare their in vitro fertilization, IVF conception concerns with your own and also get ideas of in vitro issues
you might not have thought of.
More informatioin that might help when telling children about IFV, In Vitro Fertilization:
![Super Special Sisters](http://www.tracytrends.com/images/in-vitro-sisters-m.jpg)
Super Special Sisters: A Story About the Miracle of In Vitro Fertilization by Juliet Napier
Click for more information on this: IVF Book
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