Potty Training Video
Potty Training Video
Potty Training Video for Toddler Kid
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No More Diapers
Potty Training Video for Toddler Kid
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Adorable video about a little bear learning what the potty is for. He does playful things like put underewear
on his head. He tries to go potty but can’t, finally tries and goes and is so proud to wear underwear! Great for
a boy or a girl.
Use our potty training video to assist your potty training in a nonthreatening way. Almost all kids love to watch videos and
you can use this potty training video to show what potty training is all about without putting any pressure on your child.
Ofcourse at the end, you can certainly suggest, “Let’s do what bear did!” and also discuss what you saw in the potty training
video by asking questions about why it is done. Why do we wash hands? Why does he go potty? (So he does not need to wear diapers.)
Do you think underwear is comfortable? Want to try on a pair? Do you think you can keep it dry too? If you have an accident, that is
ok but it is still good to try.
Absolutely wonderful!, June 2006
Reviewer: MJ (Kansas) – See all my reviews
I’m not sure I would have personally rated this so great, but my 35 month old daughter can’t get enough of this video and it causes her to go on the potty everytime she watches it! The first time I played it, she asked to see it FIVE times in a row before I insisted we stop watching the tv! Since then, EVERY time she has watched it, she has gone pee pee on the potty.
Works For Me, May 2006
Reviewer: ElleR (Columbus, OH)
My nearly three-year-old son watches this ten times a day. He
walks around with “big boy” underwear over his diapers. I can see the diapers will be coming off soon. My favorite part is the sing-along section at the end of video so we can sing the songs together.
My Daughter Loves It, February 2006
Reviewer: J. Lowey (NY)
My daughter has asked to watch NO MORE DIAPERS potty training video every day since we bought it. She now wants to wear underpants and understands that if you wear panties you need to use the potty! The video has definitely sparked her interest in potty training.